Monday, October 19, 2009

The Truth about Forever(13-33)

Recently I started The truth about forever by Sarah Dessen, so far it is during the summer and her boyfriend just left for camp. As she finished saying goodbye to her boyfriend in the airport in reminds her of how she never got to say goodbye to her father. She has a flashback on when her father died, it was a cold morning and he woke her up early to go running, while he was waiting outside for her he had a heart attack.
"So each time my mother tossed the boxes, I'd fish them out and bring them upstairs to add to my collection. I never used any of the products, choosing instead to just believe the breathless claims on the boxes. there were a lot of ways to remember my dad. But i thought he would have especially liked that."(pg 16)

Macy's dad was obsessed with collecting products of the informercials that you see on t.v. he would constantly be purchasing them because he believed they made life easier. When he died, they kept coming in every month, so Macy would keep them as a reminder of her father and how happy the items made him. In a way I can relate to Macy, my mum's best friend died of cancer and the christmas before she died she gave me a doll. It is still in my room today and whenever I see it, it reminds me of her and all the good memories our families had together.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"The truth about forever" [1-13]

I just started the book The Truth about Forever by Sarah Dessen. So far it is about this teenager, Macy who is going out with this really smart guy Jason. He is getting ready to head off to "brain camp" so she is helping him get sorted and saying good bye to him for the summer.
By the time we'd covered that, then finished the main list- stopping to cover two other sub- headings, toiletries and miscellaneous- Jason seemed pretty much convinced he had everything. Which did not, however, stop him from continuing to circle the room, mumbling to himself. It took a lot of work to be perfect. If you didn't want to break a sweat, there was no point in even bothering.

This paragraph tells us a lot about Macy's boyfriend, Jason. You can tell from this passage that he is very organized and wants to make sure he leaves nothing behind. I can relate to him because whenever I go somewhere I do the same. I make a list of everything I need to bring with me and go through the list crossing stuff off as I pack it. After I have done that I go around my room one last time just to make sure I'm not missing anything.