I'm still in the middle of reading
The Hot Zone by Richard Preston. I left of when doctor Musoke was trying to insert a tube into Charles Monet. But, he ended up getting drenched in his vomit and blood..which led to him getting infected with the disease...but he ended up surviving. The next part of the story talks about doctor Nancy Jaax who works in biosafety containment area four in USAMRIID, who is assigned to research the ebola virus in monkeys. Later while preparing dinner for her family she cuts her finger with a knife. Then while dissecting an ebola-infected monkey her cut becomes exposed and she almost got infected with the virus. She gets very lucky and ends up being fine.
Mr. Jones's personal view of the Marburg outbreak reminds me of a flashlight pointed down a dark hole. It gives a narrow but disturbing view of the larger phenomenon of the origin and spread of tropical viruses. (43)
This powerful metaphor compares the Marburg outbreak to a flashlight pointed down a dark whole. I find it to be very interesting that Mr. Jones compares the outbreak to a flashlight pointed down a dark hole. I guess its true though you only get a quick look and little information on the causes and cures for these deadly tropical viruses.