Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Million Little Pieces

Im reading A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. So far in this book James has gone to rehab for alchol and drug abuse. He is going through a really hard time, he just got his teeth fixed, and is now slowly getting better. He is finally starting to put his life backc together. I chose a passage to do read and response over.
"I am alone. Alone here and alone in the world. Alone in my heart and alone in my mind. ALone everywhere, all the time, for as long as i can remember. Alone with my family, alone with my friends, alone in a room full of people. Alone when i wake, alone through each awful day, alone when i finally meet the blackness. I am alone in my horror. Alone in my horror." pg79
After reading this quote from the book it make me feel happy that i have so much and i am not alone in the world. Poor James is in the world with not much of a family and no friends... all he needs right now to help him get through these tough times are people who care like friends or family. He is so alone that it haunts him. He can be in a room full of people and still feel alone.


  1. Jessica I really like the passage you chose, but what I see in this passage is how poorly affected James is from his alcohol and drug abuse. In how he is surrounded by many people who cares about if he recovers or not, but despite all these people he still feels as if he is alone in the world. I don't believe it is possible for us to grasp the enormity of James conditions and what they do to a person.

  2. I enjoyed reading this and seeing how you reflected your own life back to his. His circumstance makes me feel blessed for the people that I have in my life, but I do think that James will become more aquainted with the people there as the story unfolds. No one can understand what James is going through unless they've been in his exact position, and that's why I think that characters like Lily will become more involved in his journey as the story progresses.
